Explore the depth of knowledge and insights on TASO’s Articles page. Delve into a curated collection of thought-provoking pieces that cover a spectrum of topics related to healthcare, community well-being, and the diverse aspects of our work. From expert opinions to in-depth analyses, the Articles page offers a rich resource for those seeking a deeper understanding of TASO’s mission and the broader landscape of our impact.
High prevalence of risky sexual behavior among Key populations receiving Antiretroviral Therapy at a large HIV clinic in Northern Uganda.
Norbert Adrawa,
Incidence of Tuberculosis among PLHIV on antiretroviral therapy who initiated isoniazid preventive therapy: A multi - center retrospective cohort study.
Andrew Kazibwe
Comparative yield of different active TB case finding interventions in a large urban TB project in central Uganda: a descriptive study
Andrew Kazibwe et al
Interventions to improve HIV viral Load suppression among the adolescents: Evidence of improvement science through a quality improvement approach in Easter Uganda
Boniface Oryokot
Regulation Of Community Advisory Boards during conduct of clinical trials in Uganda: a qualitative study involving stakeholders.
Mijumbi Andrew et al.
Capacity of Community Advisory Boards for effective engagement in clinical research: A mixed methods study.
Levicatus Mugenyi et. al
Client-perpetrated gender-based violence among female sex workers in conflict-affected Northern Uganda: a cross-sectional study.
Simple Ouma et al